import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import math #variables and constants tmax=2 dt=0.01 #stepsize g=9.81 l=1.45 # m tau=math.sqrt(2*l/(3*g)) vPhi0=0 #zero initial phi-velocity #method to solve the diff-eq. def solver2(phi0,stepT): t=[] #generate lists phi=[] vPhi=[] # initial values phi.append(phi0) vPhi.append(vPhi0) i=0 while True: #iterations according to Euler vPhi.append(vPhi[i] +stepT*math.sin(phi[i])/(tau**2)) phi.append(phi[i]+stepT*vPhi[i]) i+=1 #next step if phi[i] >= math.pi/2: # stick has reached ground at 90° break tmax=len(phi)*stepT #calculate elapsed time t=np.arange(0,tmax,stepT) return (tmax,t,phi) #return tupel with fall-time + time and angle arrays #initial angles initPhi=np.arange(0.25,1.3,0.05) def calcTs(step): #calc the fall time for different initial phi ts=[] for i in initPhi: #generate list of times ts.append(solver2(i,step)[0]) #first element in return tuple is tmax return ts steps=np.array([0.1,0.05,0.01,0.001]) times=[] for m in steps: times.append(calcTs(m)) # Erzeuge eine Figure. fig = plt.figure(figsize=(7, 5)) fig.set_tight_layout(True) # Plotte das Diagramm. ax1 = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax1.set_xlabel("phi0 [rad]") ax1.set_ylabel("T [s]") ax1.grid() ax1.plot(initPhi, times[0], ".b", label=f"dt={steps[0]}") ax1.plot(initPhi, times[1], ".r", label=f"dt={steps[1]}") ax1.plot(initPhi, times[2], ".g", label=f"dt={steps[2]}") ax1.plot(initPhi, times[3], "xm", label=f"dt={steps[3]}") ax1.legend() #anzeigen